Sunday, March 27, 2011

Tutorial Blog 3: Information System Devlopment

System Development
System is a set of components that interact to achieve a common goal.  An information system is a collection of hardware, software, data, people and procedures that work together to produce quality information.  An information system supports daily, short and long term activities.  System development is a set of activities used to build an information system.

System Development life cycle
The System Development Life Cycle consists of planning, analysis, design, implementation and operation, support and security.  Planning is to review and prioritize project requests as well as to form teams.  Conducting investigation and perform detailed analysis of activities is part of analysis.  Design requires you to acquire hardware and software and to also develop details of the system.  Implementation is clearly an important part of the life cycle and is when you develop the programs, install and test the program, train the users to use the program and convert to the new system.  There are different ways to converting to the new system such as diving right into it or doing it gradually and piece by piece.  Monitoring system performance and assessing system security is part of the last part of the system development life cycle.  

There are many different participants involved in system development.  A system analyst is responsible for designing and developing an information system.  The steering committee is the decision making body and vendors install and maintain the operating system software as well as deal with technical support.  Application and system programmers convert the system design into the appropriate programming language.  The organizations website and web application are created and maintained by the webmaster and web developers.  The organization's resources are controlled by the database administrators and the network administrators install and maintain the network.

Project management is the process of planning, scheduling and controlling activities during system development.  They create a goal which is to deliver an acceptable system to the user in an agreed time frame while maintaining costs.

Feasibility Assessment measures how suitable the development of a system will be to the organization.  There are many different types of feasibility assessments including: operation, schedule, technical and economic.  Operational feasibility measures how well the proposed information system will work.  Schedule feasibility measures whether the established deadlines for the project are reasonable.  Determining whether the organization has or can obtain the hardware, software and people need to deliver them is technical feasibility and economic feasibility, also called cost/benefit is whether the lifetime benefits of the proposed information system will be greater that its lifetime costs. 

Created by Shannon DuQuesnay, Copyright 2011

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